Learning design with examples is always the best method of learning. Step by step procedure for structural design of isolated footing is discussed below:
Isolated Footing Design Example:
1) Column = 14” x 14”
2) Steel grade= fy=60 Ksi
3) fc’ = 3 ksi ( for footing)
2) fc’ = 4 ksi ( for column)
3) sL.L =260 kips
4) sD.L = 390 kips
5) bearing capacity = qa = 6 ksf 5’ below the grade
2) Steel grade= fy=60 Ksi
3) fc’ = 3 ksi ( for footing)
2) fc’ = 4 ksi ( for column)
3) sL.L =260 kips
4) sD.L = 390 kips
5) bearing capacity = qa = 6 ksf 5’ below the grade
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