A pile cap stands for a dense concrete mat that is supported with concrete or timber piles and directed to soft or unsteady ground to develop a proper stable foundation. It generally creates part of the foundation of a building, normally a multi-story building, structure or support base for heavy equipment. The cast concrete pile cap will disperse the load of the building into the piles. The same type of structure to a pile cap is called a raft. It is a concrete foundation floor that is supported directly onto soft soil to be ready for subsidence.
The new Guide has been developed as a standalone publication to provide the practicing engineer with a detailed overview of pile cap design, detailing, and analysis methodologies that represent the current state of practice in the industry, and meet the latest codes and standards including the 2015International Building Code (IBC) and ACI 318-14.
(i) Shape of pile cap.
(ii) Depth of pile cap.
(iii) Required Amount of steel.
(iv) Positioning of reinforcement.
Design Method:
Ascertain number of pile, Placement of pile cap and plane dimension, Pile cap initial depth, Examine forces in piles
Ascertain number of pile, Placement of pile cap and plane dimension, Pile cap initial depth, Examine forces in piles
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