How to compute materials in Plain Cement Concrete

How to compute materials in Plain Cement Concrete

This construction video will briefly teach you how to measure the binding material, fine and coarse aggregates determination for Plain Cement Concrete (PCC). Initially, the estimation is made for cement then sand and finally for crushed stone
Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) refers to the construction material that is usually applied as the binding materials. It is formed with cement, (generally Portland Cement) and other cementitious materials like fly ash and slag cement, aggregate (normally a coarse aggregate) created with gravels or crushed rocks like limestone or granite, along with a fine aggregate like sand as well as water, and chemical admixtures.
Plain cement concrete (PCC) is useful for delivering inflexible water-resistant bed to RCC in foundation where the earth is soft and resilient. PCC is applied over brick flat soling or without brick flat soling.
Plain cement concrete is also known as “cement concrete (CC)” or “binding concrete”.
Materials required for forming PCC:
Cement: Usually the Portland cement is applied as bonding material in PCC.
Fine Aggregate: Sand is applied as fine aggregate. The FM of sand should be 1.2 to 1.5.
Course Aggregate: Generally brick chips are utilized for developing PCC. Stone chips are also applied for this purpose. The size of the course aggregate is 20mm downgrade.
Water: Clean water that is safe to drink should be utilized in PCC.
The following formula is applied for this :-
Material = ratio of material/sum of ratio x dry volume
Suppose the ratio of cement, sand and crushed stone is 1:2:4
To calculate dry volume, the formula will be wet volume x 1.54
Wet volume = Length x Breadth x Thickness.

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  1. Why do we multiply 1.54 to calculate the dry volume?

    1. Dry volume is one and half times of wet volume. But it is better to use 1.54


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