How to arrange reinforced steel bars in a beam on jobsite

How to arrange reinforced steel bars in a beam on jobsite

This construction video, created by Dr. Chirag N. Patel, will guide you how to tie reinforcement steel bars (bottom bars, middle bars, top bars, stirrups) in the beam on a construction site. In a concrete construction, there are various steps like forming, grading, placing, and finishing to obtain the best results. 
Among these steps, one vital step is arranging the reinforcing bars, or rebar. For structural concrete construction, an engineer and architect generally perform the technical design work and deliver the detailed information concerning the sizes, configuration, and placement of rebar in the related concrete work. Planning the actual fabrication and placement along with the schedule of the work should be initial priority. 
Reinforcement must be placed as presented on the placing drawings. Here, the detailer should specify the number of bars, bar lengths, bends, and positions.
The design of the structure mainly depends on if the steel is positioned in the proper area. If the reinforcing steel is arranged improperly, serious concrete structural failures may occur. Placing reinforcement over a layer of fresh concrete and then pouring more on top is considered as an inappropriate procedure for positioning. The reinforcing bar supports built with steel wire, precast concrete, or plastic should be applied. 
To gather more information, watch the following video that is recorded on site.

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