Earthwork Calculation Excel Sheet

Earthwork Calculation Excel Sheet

Earthworks can be described as “the disturbance of land surfaces by blading, contouring, ripping, moving, removing, placing or replacing soil or earth, or by the excavation, or by cutting or filling operations”.
Soil Disturbance – The disturbance of land surfaces by any means including blading, blasting, contouring, cutting of batters, excavation, ripping, root raking, excludes normal maintenance of legally established structures, roads, tracks, and railway lines. The definition also excludes those activities that are identified as vegetation clearance activities.
Roading and tracking activities – Earthworks associated with the formation of any new road or track or the upgrade of any existing road or track excluding normal maintenance of legally established roads and track.
Earthworks – Any activity that exposes, disturbs, places or deposits land and soil. Such activities include, but are not limited to, tracking, roading, cleanfill sites, cut and fill operations, quarrying and mining and re-contouring. Excludes area-wide treatment (pavement overlay and strengthening) and road resealing (pavement rehabilitation) of existing roading, normal domestic gardening practises, maintenance of roads and tracks, (including railway tracks), the formation of walking tracks, cultivation (except where re-contouring is involved), maintenance of linear network utility support structures, and maintenance (including minor realignment) of existing foot tracks within public reserves and the conservation estate.

How to Prepare an Earth Work Estimation Using
Microsoft Excel

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