Continuous beam study spreadsheet design

Continuous beam study spreadsheet design

All software comes "as is" with no implied warranties or express guarantees. The user assumes all responsibility for the use of these spreadsheets, modifications and output. The user agrees to verify the accuracy of all output and to satisfy oneself that the results meet or exceed one's expectation of accuracy and performance. These spreadsheets are not intended to be used by non-professionals. The user is expected to have the basic knowledge and skills of engineering necessary to verify the accuracy of the output and to interpret the codes and principles of the science that the spreadsheets interpret. 

The spreadsheet design is based on interpretation of design methodology. As much as the authors have tried to achieve an accurate product, the codes rely upon interpretation as well as decisions drawn from engineering judgment. There are no guarantees or express warranties implied in the use or output of these programs that assures accuracy other than the efforts of the programmers' intent to achieve perfection. The user agrees to hold harmless all persons and companies involved in the creation of the software and all people involved in the distribution of any and all freeware and shareware available on this site or by link to another site. 

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